Asked Questions

How can I schedule an appointment?

Scheduling an appointment is easy. You can call our clinic during operating hours to book an appointment with one of our healthcare professionals. Alternatively, you can use our online appointment booking system available on our website.

What are your operating hours?

Our clinic is open 8am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Please note that operating hours for specific services may vary, so it’s best to check with us when scheduling your appointment.

Do you offer urgent care services?

Yes, we provide urgent care services for acute illnesses and accident-related injuries. If you require immediate medical attention, please visit our clinic, and our medical team will attend to your needs promptly.

Are your services covered by insurance or ACC?

Our services are covered by most major insurance providers. We are also an ACC-accredited provider, offering medical services for accident-related injuries. However, coverage may vary depending on your insurance policy, so we recommend contacting your insurer or ACC for specific details.

Can I get prescriptions from your nurses?

Yes, our qualified nurses can issue prescriptions for certain medications as part of our comprehensive care services. Our nursing team works closely with our General Practitioners to ensure continuity of care.

What should I bring to my appointment?

Please bring your identification, any relevant medical records or test results, and a list of current medications you are taking. It’s also essential to bring your insurance information, if applicable.

Do you offer specialized clinics for specific health conditions?

Yes, we offer nurse-led clinics for Asthma, Diabetes, Spirometry, and heart health. These clinics are designed to provide specialized care and support for patients managing these conditions.

What vaccinations do you provide?

We offer a comprehensive range of vaccinations, including routine immunizations, travel vaccinations, and vaccinations for specific health requirements. Our healthcare professionals can advise you on the appropriate vaccinations based on your needs.

Is there parking available at your clinic?

Yes, we have ample parking available for patients at our clinic, making your visit convenient and hassle-free.

Do you have a skin cancer clinic?

Yes, our dedicated skin cancer clinic provides early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of skin cancer. If you have concerns about your skin health, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our specialists.

Do you offer mental health services?

Yes, we provide support and treatment for mental health concerns. Our healthcare professionals are here to listen, offer counseling, and provide appropriate referrals when needed.

Can I access my medical records online?

Yes, we offer secure online access to your medical records through our patient portal. You can log in to view your records, test results, and upcoming appointments.

If you have any other questions or need further information, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our friendly staff is always ready to assist you with your healthcare needs.