Vaccinations serve as a crucial defense against potentially harmful pathogens that can lead to severe illness or even death. These inoculations provide a shield against a wide range of diseases, ensuring individual well-being and contributing to public health.
In New Zealand, a diverse array of vaccines is available, administered through various methods such as oral doses and injections.
The vaccination landscape spans all age groups, with some vaccines funded while others are not.
Some vaccines are tailored to specific medical conditions, necessitating a careful consideration of individual health histories.

Those seeking added protection beyond funded vaccines have the option to purchase non-funded ones, broadening their defense against preventable diseases.
Childhood vaccinations are funded until the age of 18, while non-funded or visitor populations under 18 may still be eligible for certain funded vaccines.
For seasonal outbreaks like the flu, specific criteria are applied, dictating vaccine administration. Similarly, vaccines tied to outbreaks, such as the COVID-19 vaccine, are swiftly embraced by healthcare providers. We are committed to keeping our patients informed of these opportunities for protection.
Our commitment to vaccine integrity is unwavering. Vaccines are stored within accredited fridges, maintained under stringent cold chain management.
Collaborations with our Public Health Organization (PHO) and IMAC ensure regular monitoring of these standards. This meticulous oversight ensures the safety of our patients at every step.
Guiding you through the world of vaccinations are our capable nurses at WAMSC. They possess a wealth of knowledge on both funded and unfunded vaccines, helping you navigate the landscape and make informed decisions about safeguarding your health.
Funded Vaccines
- DTaP-IPV, DTaP, Rotarix
- Hib, Bootrix
- Bexzero, PCV13
- Menactra, Shinrix
Non Funded Vaccines
- Hep B -Peads, Adults
- Twinrix
- Typhoid
- HepA / HepB
- PCV23
We do not give certain vaccines including japanese encephalitis, yellow fever and rabies.
List is not limited to above, and criteria of eligibility applies.